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Mcdonald Communication Theory And Practice -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Mcdonald Communication Theory And Practice? Answer: Introducation Communication is the process of message transmission from the sender to the recipient. In an organization, communication needs to be very effective and efficient, the essence of management is the communication process. Without effective communication, management functions that are basic cannot be performed well. In McDonald, a business organization involved the continuous flow of information. The organization involves a very large number of consumers and staff, therefore feedback from the consumers is very important part of the business communication. McDonald organization has a hierarchy of various levels. Communication practices play a greater role in the procedure of directing and controlling of the people in the organization. Misunderstanding can be avoided if the organization has an effective system of communication. In the organization of McDonald, the communication between the subordinates and the superiors is very effective and regulated by the norms and rules. People within an organization should be fully aware of the policies, rules, and regulations of the organization. In McDonald, the business communication that is in practice is the oral communication and the written communication. McDonald organization focusses not only on how the organization can reach its consumers and target consumers but also, how can the consumer reach the company (Kotler, 2011).According to Kotler, communication in today's world is a dialogue that is interactive between the organization and its consumers that takes place in all stages i.e selling, advertising, consuming and post selling services. The reduction in the cost of communication has enabled much organization to shift from mass communication to a communication that targets the consumer and face to face communication. Significance of business communication. Business communication plays a vital role in the attainment of the organization marketing objectives. Communication understanding is of significance since it is the process through which organization attains their set objectives culminating their success. Individuals attitude in McDonald organization were easily altered through communication. This was majorly impacted by how well the individual was informed. The well-informed individual was having a better attitude as compared to the less informed individuals. Communication made it easier for individuals to associates. Finally, communication made the process of decision making very easy as it helped the management in assessing and identification of alternative actions courses. Communication theories There is a variety of business communication theory that is used in McDonald. They include: Communication accommodation theory The communication accommodation theory, encompasses the aspects of motivation and result transference of the communication style between people (Doon, 2016).The theory suggests that people do transfer their communication styles in two ways that are the divergence and convergence. Those people who have an ethnic background that is considered strong will transfer their style through divergence, so as to highlight their identity group importance. Those who transfer their communication through convergence are considered helpless or powerless and only do so when they are in need of being accepted in the society. Groupthink theory Groupthink theory suggests that the process of groupthink will only arise when groups that are considered highly committed fail to handle various problems affecting them (Doon, 2016).It proposes that people are unwilling to share ideas that are unfamiliar to another member of the group. During such occurrences, the group will make a wrong decision that has effects which are long term. Organizational information theory For an organization to be considered successful, it is important to have all the information that is considered necessary, for it to achieve its goals. The theory suggests that people behaviors and productivity are mainly affected by the organization communication. The main object of the communication is to reduce the doubts so that to extract information that is relevant from the existing ones (Doon, 2016). Communication practices An organization that has imperative communication skills is likely to succeed. Having communication skills that are positive will, increase the business opportunities (Marks, 2016).As this will enable the business get ahead in certain areas where those organization that is not assertive may not succeed. Some of the practices comprise of: Body language. One should not shy away from the person they are communicating with. One should endure that they maintain eye contact and posture that is relaxed regardless of the role being played. Body language that ensures that a person is listening comprises of, making eye contact. Occasionally nodding the head to acknowledge point being made in the conversation. In a business context, during marketing or negotiation of a business deal, the process is likely to be successful if there was a mutual understanding of the terms and the conditions of the contract to avoid complications in the future (Russell, 2015). Communication consistency In the McDonald organization, the management has the ability to communicate consistently to the staff through remaining available. Despite the difficulty of the situation at hand, it is the task of the supervisor to air the voice of the employees. They do this in an open and honest way. The communication practice between the employee and the management is very open and honest. The management is always available and bold. The organization has always left the communication lines open for the employees who may want to address their problems with the management. This practice has enabled the organization prevents small issues which normally arises then due to negligence end up becoming the large issues through ensuring the employee that the management is open to discussing any pressing issue at any time(Russell, 2015). Patience The management at McDonald has always given the staff and consumers time to air their concerns. The management has always remained focused on what they are trying to raise as an issue, this usually shows the consumer or employee that the management is open to helping them out with their issue. Many people tend to break communication lines due to impatience. Suppose one is confused about what the other person concern, it is polite to request the speaker to elaborate their concern. This will create a mutual understanding and help in the business operations (Jukso, 2014). Speech and attentiveness. During communication, it is advisable to be concise and clear while speaking (Jukso, 2014).One should ensure they speak on matters that are important and they do not waste any time drawing stories that will deviate the mind of the listener. The significance of verbal communication is the competence to exercise active listening. One ought to always make mental notes of the important notes. In that manner, when given the chance to speak, one will be able to speak on the most significant issues being dealt with (Russell, 2015). Recommendation Communication is an essential factor in the success of any organization. McDonald has been a successful organization in the past years, having taken a research on the communication practice of the organization, the following areas need to be keenly implemented. For the organization to stay ahead of the competition and maintain a competitive advantage over its competitors it has to restructure its communication practice in the following ways. The organization should enable a wide conversation. This will include a platform for instant messaging. The benefits of this include the aptitude to manage numerous conversations productively at once. The prospect to break down the language obstacles because of text worked better than voice. The organization should improve its vertical and horizontal communication. The organization communication should be streamlined. This can be achieved through the use of the right tools. Programs that connect workers at the level would be implemented. This will enable the managers and the owners more responsible and answerable when the staff invest their energy and time in brainstorming ideas which could be of profit to the organization (Kneece, 2015). The success of an internal communication will depend on the resources allocated to it. The management should come up with a budget to allocate the resources. In order to establish a budget that is meaningful, the organization should weigh and evaluate the impact of failure to invest in the employee aptitude to build a strong relationship with other colleagues and share their concern and come up with information that helps their job performance. Conclusion Business communication is essential to the success of any business. McDonald has been able to achieve its goals through setting effective communication between the organization and its customers, shareholder and staff. The communication accommodation theory, the subordinate staff are most likely to use the convergence style because they feel helpless and will communicate in a way that shows they are in need of acceptance by the management. Group thinking theory has been used in McDonald to brainstorm ideas in case of any problem. This has helped the organization in getting ideas from various staff members and shareholders. Organization information theory has been implemented in the McDonald in order to reduce doubts and extract information which is relevant from the existing information. References Berkenkotter, C., Huckin, T. N. (2016). Genre knowledge in disciplinary communication: Cognition/culture/power. Routledge. Doon, Z. (2016). 17 - Different Types of Business Communication Theories. [online] Business Study Notes. Available at: https://www.businessstudynotes.com/others/business-communication/different-business-communication-theories/ [Accessed 23 Jan. 2018]. Jukso, J. (2014). Best Practices in Communication. [online] IndustryWeek. Available at: https://www.industryweek.com/public-policy/best-practices-communication [Accessed 23 Jan. 2018]. Kneece, R. (2015). 5 Tips To Create Effective Internal Communications With Your Team. [online] Fast Company. 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